The Octonauts follows a team of adventure heroes who dive into action whenever there is trouble under the sea. In a fleet of aquatic vehicles, they rescue amazing sea creatures, explore incredible new underwater worlds, and often save the day before returning safely to their home base, the Octopod. Buoyed by the companionship of three leading characters – Captain Barnacles Bear, Lieutenant Kwazii Cat, and Medic Peso Penguin – the Octonauts are always ready to embark on an exciting new mission! Based on the richly imaginative books by award-winning design team, Meomi, the TV series combines elements of classic team adventure with dazzling CGI animation to transport preschoolers into a world they can’t ordinarily visit: the ocean. The show will arouse the curiosity and feed the imagination of preschoolers, answering questions in a journey of discovery through the world’s oceans.